DBE Certification
DBE Directory
NEW * DBE Certification Application
NEW * Declaration of Eligibility (DOE) Form
To Apply Online, Click Here
Equal Opportunity Gateway (EOG System)
Unified Certification Program Members
* * * *
FDOT Supportive Service Providers -
DBE certification application assistance
DBE Regulation 49 CFR Part 26
Florida SBDC Network
UCP Agreement
The DBE Certification Program is a Federal Program designed for business owners deemed "socially and economically disadvantaged." To achieve DBE status a business must meet the following criteria:
- Must be an existing "for-profit" business that is currently operational;
- Must meet the federal definition of a small business concern;
- Must be an independent business which does not depend on its relationships with another firm or firms. If it is a subsidiary of a corporation, the business must still operate in a self-sufficient manner;
- The qualifying owner(s) must meet the federal definition of "socially and economically disadvantaged" individuals;
- The qualifying owner(s) must own a minimum of 51% of the company; and have an investment in their company;
- The qualifying owner(s) cannot have a net worth that exceeds $2.047 Million
- The qualifying owner(s) must have day-to-day control of operations and possess an expertise in their work specialty.
To apply for certification, you may contact your local certifying entity or:
Equal Opportunity Office
DBE & Small Business Development Programs
605 Suwannee St. MS 65
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 414-4747
If you have any questions regarding DBE Certification, please contact FDOT Certification Help at DBECert.Help@dot.state.fl.us.
Note: Once certified you must submit a Declaration of Eligibility (DOE) annually along with current business taxes (including affiliates). Certification can be verified by visiting the DBE Directory as certificates are not issued annually. If you are already certified as a DBE by a Florida Unified Certification Program (UCP) member, you need not apply with any other agencies in Florida as the certification is recognized statewide.