Debris Removal Work Class
Login to the Contractor Prequalification Application (CPQ): and submit an Interim Updated Application.
1. Under Pervious Approved Application(s) section on the Home page, click "Update" on the most recent approved prequalification application.
2. Click the Work Classes Tab and select the check-box "Emergency Debris Removal".
Attach a list of equipment used for debris removal that is owned or leased by the company
Attach a list of the debris removal contracts completed in the past 3 years including the contract amount, location, time period, contract owner(s) and contact information and whether the company performed as a prime or subcontractor.
Attach written documentation applicant has served as a prime for a governmental entity and letter of recommendation from that entity and please answer the following questions below.
Detail your ability to track debris removal in accordance with FHWA Emergency Relief and FEMA debris removal laws
Explain how quickly you can and will respond to emergency debris removal task orders
Explain your plan for sustaining the entire operation if no motels are available. For example, obtaining fuel, food, water and temporary housing for the crew.
The required documents can be attached together in the Work Classes Tab or separately in the Manage Tab of the application.
Click "Save"
Before submitting please indicate "Requesting Emergency Debris Removal" in the comments section.
Submit updated application
3. Complete the Debris Clearing Sign-Up Form and attach via online application or email to:
Debris Removal Contractor Sign Up Form (MS Excel)