DCE Memos - 2018

Previous Construction Memo's that have expired will still apply to the projects let prior to the dates referenced in the memo, but will now require State Construction Engineer approval to ensure the intent of the memo is still applicable.

 DCE Memo's 2018
01-18Limerock Bearing Ratio Technician Course Length (pdf, 338kb)
02-18Test Pile Location Adjustment (*.pdf, 186kb) Revised
03-18Materials Manual 8.4 SCC Implementation (*.pdf, 159kb)
04-18Cemex Demopolis, Alabama Cement Plant (CMT03) (*.pdf, 201kb)
05-18Titan America Pennsuco Cement (FDOT CMT-23) Revised (*.pdf, 226kb)
06-18Specification 102-7 Revision (*.pdf, 168kb)
 DCE Memo 06-18 - Questions & Answers (*.pdf, 48kb)
07-18Corporate & Surety Seals with Digital Signatures (pdf, 92kb)
08-18Specification 710-9.1 Revision (*.pdf, 113kb)
09-18Pavement Marking Material Certification (*.pdf, 254kb)
10-18American Cement Company, Sumterville, Fl (CMT40) (*.pdf, 295kb)
11-18CEMEX – Miami Cement Plant (CMT40) (*.pdf, 180kb)
12-18Titan America Cement Plant-Medley, FL (CMT23) Revised (*.pdf, 226kb)
13-18Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate as Backfill with Aluminum and Metalized Pipe (*.pdf, 185kb)
14-18Suwannee American Cement (CMT40) (*.pdf, 260 KB)
15-18Materials Manual - Chapter 8.4, Volume II (pdf, 116kb)
16-18Temporary Crash Cushions and Temporary Barriers (pdf, 256kb)
17-18Argos Cement Newberry Plant (CMT09) (pdf, 128kb)
19-18CTQP’s High Performance Re-Qualification Program (pdf, 304kb)
20-18Removal of Lane Closure Information System (LCIS) (pdf, 64kb)
21-18Verification Testing for Stabilized Subgrade After Mixing (pdf, 124kb)
22-18Suwannee American Cement Company, Sumterville, FL (CMT40) (*.pdf, 120kb)
23-18Cemex - Brooksville Cement Plant (CMT08) (pdf, 116kb)
24-18Index 102-655 Traffic Pacing (pdf, 1291kb)