DCE Memos - 2014

Previous Construction Memo's that have expired will still apply to the projects let prior to the dates referenced in the memo, but will now require State Construction Engineer approval to ensure the intent of the memo is still applicable.

 DCE Memo's 2014
27-14V-Groove Control Joints - Concrete Back Walls
26-14Work Zone Sign Supports Exception  Expired 07/01/2015
25-14Structural Grout Pads - Mast Arms & Cantilever Sign Structures  Expired 07/01/2015
24-14Modification to Spec Section 7-25 (OJT Requirements)
23-14Boral Materials - Bowen Plant, Fly Ash (FA02) Expired 12/1/14
22-14Program Changes to the Management of Concrete Production Facility Chloride Data
21-14Approval of Concrete Curing Compounds
20-14Modification to Specification 919 - Ground Tire Rubber in Asphalt Binder
19-14Use of Steel Reinforced polyethylene Pipe
18-14  Cross-Hole Sonic Logging Tubes in Drilled Shafts for Misc Structures
17-14Specification Change for Section 200 Rock Base - Adding Pit Proctor
Pit Proctor Frequently Asked Questions FAQs for 17-14
16-14Correction to Design Standard, Index 11860, Sheet 4
15-14Pilot Study Concluded - Chloride Concentrations in Concrete
14-14American Cement Company (CMT40) Expired 7/11/14
13-14Painting Stencil Reinforcing
12-14Span Wire Eyebolts - Substitutions
11-14Work Zone Signs G20-1 & G20-2
10-14Sod Netting - Section 981
09-14Eye Bolts for Span Wire Assembly
08-14Headwaters Orlando, Fly Ash (FA20) Expired 5/27/14
07-14Cemex Brooksville South Cement Plant (CMT08) Expired 6/15/14
06-14Control of Work - Subarticle 5- Beam & Girder Temporary Bracing Expired 9/1/14
05-14 Chloride Concentrations Argos USA and CEMEX Expired 6/30/14
04-14Separation Technologies - Jacksonville Fly Ash (FA17) Expired 6/1/14
03-14Titan America Cement Company Plant (CMT23) Expired 5/1/14
02-14Vulcan Materials Expired 10/10/14
01-14Use of Polypropylene Pipe