Lane Rentals

The lane rental technique is like the A + B (i.e., cost-plus-time) technique in that the contractors bidding on a lane rental project will determine the number of days that a lane will be closed during work and use this determination in their bid process. The total lane rental bid will be added to the standard bid to decide the award. Contractors using more lane rental days than which they bid will be charged lane rental fees.  The lane rental concept required a fee established during design and placed in the contract to be assessed for each day or half-day of lane closure(s) in "excess” of the number of total lane rental days originally bid by the Contractor (see your contract for the applicable days). Once the lane rental days exceeds the total number of lane rental days bid the predetermined lane rental fee will be multiplied by the excessive time and the result will be deducted from the monthly estimate’s payment. The Contractor shall only be charged lane rental days on chargeable workdays.

The lane rental fee is based on the estimated  cost of delay or inconvenience to the road user during the rental period. The fee is assessed for the time that the contractor occupies or obstructs part of the roadway and is deducted from the monthly progress payments.

The rental fee rates are stated in the bidding proposal in dollars per lane per time period, which could be daily, hourly or fractions of an hour. Neither the contractor nor the contracting agency give an indication as to the anticipated amount of time for which the assessment will apply and the low bid is determined solely on the lowest amount bid for the contract items.

All lane closures shall be documented on the Lane Rental Form No. 700-050-57.  The time period during which the Contractor closes one or more lanes as permitted by the Contract. The Engineer will not consider time periods less than 15 minutes in computing Lane Rental Days. The computation of Lane Rental Days will include moving operations. The number of lanes considered closed will be based on the number of lanes available prior to construction versus the number of lanes maintained through the project during any particular day. A lane is a mainline through lane or ramp. Lane Rental Days will be computed in full day and half-day increments. A full day will be computed for any lane closure(s) or any combination of lane closures totaling over 12 hours in cumulative length over a 24 hour period. For purposes of computing Lane Rental Days, the 24 hour period will be continuous and will begin when the Contractor begins the closure.  Computation of Lane Rental Days will continue until the closure is completely removed. A half-day will be computed for any lane closure(s) or any combination of lane closures totaling 12 hours or less cumulative in length within a 24 hour period. Beginning and ending times, locations and unit of measure (full or half days) shall be tabulated for each lane rental to be charged. The actual full or half day lane rental shall be charged on the day in which the ending time falls. For example if a lane closure begins at 8:00 p.m. on Monday and reopens at 6:00 a.m. the next day (Tuesday), a half-day lane rental will be shown on Tuesday’s Lane Rental Form. The Contractor and (PE) shall mutually agree upon the twenty four (24) hour clock beginning and ending times for lane rental purposes and recorded in the Preconstruction Conference Minutes.  Lane Rental Days will not be charged for any day that Contract time is not charged. Daily Lane Rental Fee: The full day Daily Lane Rental Fee is $_____________ per lane per day. The half day Daily Lane Rental Fee is 50% of the full day Daily Lane Rental Fee. The lane rental items will only be shown on the lead project on Contracts with multiple projects, but will cover work for all Revised 3-1-04 projects within the Contract.
(Same information required on a site-manager project)

The rental fee rates are dependent on the number and type of lanes closed and can vary for different hours of the day. For example: the rush hour periods of say 6:30 to 9:00 am and 3:00 to 6:00 pm could have an hourly rental fee of $2000 for closing one lane while a lane could be closed at any other time at a rental fee of $500 per hour.