Statewide Sponsorship Program


The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) approved a policy that allows for private sponsorship of transportation programs and facilities. This new policy exemplifies FDOT's continuing commitment to seek innovative ways to obtain additional revenue to fund transportation needs across the state. Sponsorship of transportation-related programs and facilities offer unique opportunities to improve systems by offering public agencies the flexibility to pursue innovative sources of financing for maintenance, operation, construction and other highway-related services. With this additional revenue, public agencies have the means to provide additional or enhanced services critical to ensuring the safety and efficiency of the state's highways. 

Sponsorship could come in different forms. An organization, business or individual could provide support for the maintenance, operation or enhancement of an FDOT program, service or facility through monetary payments or voluntary activity. In return, a sign or plaque acknowledging the sponsor could be installed at an appropriate location. The placement and design of the signs/plaques would follow sound engineering practices such as restricting the size, simplifying the message content and minimizing driver distraction.

Revenue derived from any given sponsorship program, shall be utilized to support the associated facility or program being sponsored. The department will closely review all prospective sponsorships. Sponsorship agreements may be of any duration that is economically feasible and provides a benefit to the public. The department shall have the sole discretion to approve or disapprove content and reject any sponsorships that could impair the department’s ability to maximize its revenue or is not in the best interests of traveling public or the State of Florida.

For additional information on FDOT sponsorships, please select one of the links below or contact Dayna Dixon

Sponsorship Policy

FDOT Sponsorship Program Policy
This directive, established and approved by the Secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), constitutes Florida’s Sponsorship’s Program policy and guidelines governing sponsorship acknowledgement and revenue generation agreements and will be in accordance with FHWA’s policy on Sponsorship Acknowledgement and Agreements within the Public Right-of-Way.


Travelers Marketing

Examples of Current Sponsorship

Safe Phone Zones
511 Sponsorship
Florida's Turnpike – Sponsor-A-Highway
Safe Phone Zones511 SponsorshipFlorida's Turnpike – Sponsor-A-Highway
Safety Service PatrolsToll Plaza SponsorshipSmart Truck Parking Sponsorship
Safety Service PatrolsToll Plaza SponsorshipSmart Truck Parking Sponsorship