2024 Transportation Disadvantaged Legislative Day A Success!
On January 18, 2024, the Florida Commission for Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) held the 25th Annual Legislative Awareness Day at the Capitol Courtyard in Tallahassee.
Even though the event was early this year, and the temperatures were low, advocates still traveled from all over the state to participate and promote the TD program. We had some incredible speakers this year, including Rep. Melony Bell from Polk County, Assistant Secretary Kim Holland from FDOT, Karen Deigl representing the Florida Public Transportation Association, Director Valerie Breen from the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Adolfo Covelli from St. Lucie County, and Adam Gaffney, who is a rider advocate in Tallahassee.
Attendees listened to speeches, viewed the vehicles on display, and stopped by the informational tables that were exhibited outside of the Capitol. There were also exhibitors and organizations that brought their vehicles to the Capitol for display, including Big Bend Transit, City of Tallahassee-StarMetro, Calhoun County Senior Citizens Association, Inc., RideOn Commuter Services, American Cancer Society, and the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities. And the Florida Channel did a great story about the event: Capitol Update – Nightly During Session – Friday, January 19, 2024 (thefloridachannel.org) (see minutes 19:51 to 21:04).
The day was capped off by a free lunch in the Capitol Courtyard.
Many thanks to those advocates, sponsors, and exhibitors.