As-Built Document Acceptance Testing

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The CEI are responsible for verifying the accuracy and quality of the as-built deliverables and to recommend failure or approval of the as-built deliverables received from the contractor. The CEI must review each District’s “ITSFM Functional Requirements” in order to determine what specific features and attributes are required in the as-built deliverable.

As Built Documents
It is important to work with the contractor to develop a realistic schedule for each as-built deliverable. The schedule should clearly define project milestones through a phased delivery schedule so testing can begin early. This allows for tests to be performed while the work is current and the crew can return promptly to make any necessary corrections.

The goal is to validate that all ITS system components have been inventoried correctly, meet the functional requirements, are delivered in the proper electronic format and are ready for import into the ITS Facility Management (ITSFM) system without the need for any post-processing.

As-built acceptance testing will score deliverables as “pass or fail” based on a score of 95% complete and accurate. Any submittal scoring less than 95% shall be returned to the contractor for corrective actions. The CEI is not responsible for manipulating, updating, changing or correcting data submitted.

These links provide as-built acceptance testing guidelines intended to provide the CEI with guidance to standardize the testing process and to ensure consistency and completeness of the information submitted to FDOT for acceptance.