Traffic Records

Traffic Records

The Florida Department of Transportation’s Traffic Records program area provides funding for the addition of crash, citation, roadway, and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) data into electronic record management systems, the development of comprehensive highway safety information systems and the automation of analytical processes. Items eligible for funding under this category may include but are not limited to: computer software (other than citation and crash form software) and hardware needed to implement TraCS or traffic records management systems. Support for proprietary crash and citation software activities are not funded because the state provides software that includes the uniform citation form, DUI citation form, DUIPak, long and short form crash reports and the update/continuation form is available at no charge to all Florida law enforcement agencies. However, comprehensive data system updates can be considered.

The Traffic Records System (TRS) is necessary to support highway and traffic safety decision-making and long-range transportation planning. A complete TRS is necessary for identifying the locations and causes of crashes, for planning and implementing countermeasures, for operational management and control, and for evaluating highway safety programs and improvements. Programs receiving grant funding in this priority area are focused on the improvement of collection and analysis of traffic data such as:

  • Crash Data: documents the time, location, environment, and characteristics (e.g., sequence of events, rollover, etc.) of a crash

  • Roadway Data: component includes roadway location, identification, and classification, as well as a description of a road's total physical characteristics and usage.

  • Driver Data: information about the State's population of licensed drivers as well as information about convicted traffic violators who are not licensed in that State.

  • Vehicle Data: includes information on the identification and ownership of vehicles registered in the State.

  • Citation/Adjudication Data: identifies citation/arrest and adjudication activity of the State, includes information that tracks a citation from the time of its distribution to a law enforcement officer, through its issuance to an offender, its disposition, and the posting of conviction in the driver history database.

  • Statewide Injury Surveillance System (SWISS) Data: incorporates pre-hospital (EMS), trauma, emergency department (ED), hospital in-patient/discharge, rehabilitation and morbidity databases to track injury causes, magnitude, costs, and outcomes.

Traffic Records Coordinating Committee

Florida’s TRCC is making progress toward integrating three of the six traffic records data systems within Signal Four Analytics.  This statewide analytical system integrates crash, roadway, and citation data made visible in a geospatial platform.

Please visit the Signal Four Analytics System at to learn more.  

signal 4



Please visit the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC) priority area for more traffic records funding opportunities.  Subrecipients are encouraged to apply for both the Traffic Records and TRCC priority areas. Please note: this requires the submission of two separate concept papers!


For more information contact Charlton Bradley or (850) 414-4207


Page updated: September 29, 2023