Office of Environmental Management

Office of Environmental Management Training Program

ETDM Alternative Corridor Evaluation (ACE) Process (January 20 and 27, 2021)

This webinar series covered detailed guidance about the ACE process and project-level implementation.  Part 1 provided an overview of the ACE process, its context within the planning phase, and its connections with the ETDM and SWAT processes. Part 2 included details of the Methodology Memorandum and its development, application, and various analyses in the ACE Report (ACER).  A third webinar demonstrated how the Environmental Screening Tool (EST) supports the review and approval process for ACE documents.

Recordings and materials from the webinar series are included below.


Webinar 1: ACE Overview and the Planning Phase [PowerPoint Slides]

  • Introduction [Video]
  • Lesson 1 Overview of Planning Phase [Video]
  • Lesson 2 ACE Process Overview [Video]
  • Lesson 3 Scoping Considerations for an ACE Study [Video]

 Webinar 2: Conducting an Alternative Corridor Evaluation (ACE) Study [PowerPoint Slides]

  • Lesson 1 Perform Initial Analysis and Conduct Standard Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) Screening [Video]
  • Lesson 2 Development of the Methodology Memorandum (MM) [Video]
  • Lesson 3 Tips on Corridor Refinements and Analysis Methods [Video]
  • Lesson 4 Development of the Alternative Corridor Evaluation Report (ACER) [Video]

Webinar 3: Review and process ACE documents in the EST [Video] [PowerPoint Slides]


      Looking for other training opportunities? Visit the OEM Environmental Management Training Academy web page.