Rest Area Information

Rest Areas, Service Plazas, Weigh Stations, and Welcome Centers
Location and Information

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Additional Information


Each facility is protected by security personnel during evening and nighttime hours. Most of the rest areas provide ADA compliant family restrooms for travelers who may need companion assistance to make use of the facilities. The facilities in our Welcome Centers and Interstate Rest Areas are open and maintained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your comfort and convenience. The State of Florida's Welcome Centers, Rest Areas and Turnpike Service Plazas are generally equipped with phones for use by travelers in case of emergency. Overnight camping is not permitted, but visitors may stay for up to three hours.

Visitors wishing to provide comments can do so by calling a dedicated toll free number or using the smart phone QR code posted; the contact information posted is specific to the location.

The Florida Department of Transportation is currently offering Free Wireless Internet (WIFI) access at all of its Welcome Centers and the Turkey Lake Service Plaza on the Turnpike. Once the public is connected, the user will have 15 minutes of free internet access followed by a subsequent period of up to 90 minutes of paid internet access. Following that, they will have a two hour shut out period that does not permit the same laptop to access the internet again at that rest area for two hours. The WIFI is currently being provided in a test environment and will be monitored for potential permanent status for the future.

While traveling through the State of Florida you can always call 511 for the most up-to-date traffic information. Be sure to visit the 511 Website to register yourself for even more specific information related to your area. Other regulations and restrictions may be found in this document Chapter 14-28.002 (Florida Administrative Code Rule) and online at the Florida Administrative Code Website.

Tourist information is available in our Welcome Centers from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, seven days a week including holidays (except Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas). Welcome Centers are operated by Visit Florida, Inc. (FLAUSA), the official travel planning agency of the State of Florida. Welcome Centers are located at entrances to the State on I-10, I-75 and I-95.

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Amber Alerts

Application for Memorial Monument: Adobe PDF file

Distracted Driving / Safe Phone Zones

Florida State Parks

Florida's Statewide 511 Website

Inspection Handbook for Rest Areas, Welcome Centers and Truck Comfort Stations

Memorials on DOT Right of Way Procedure (Adobe PDF file)

Rest Area Inspection Checklist

Road Ranger Program

Service Animal Guidelines (Adobe PDF file)


Truck Comfort Station Inspection Checklist

Truck Scale House Inspection Checklist


Helpful Info

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